Date of arrive
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1 szoba, 2 vendég


Sporthotel Heiligenblut

9844 Heiligenblut, Winkl 46

Route planning



Directions to Heiligenblut

For your trip by car we would like to recommend the following routes:

For directions once you have reached Heiligenblut, please click on the following link: Heiligenblut map

Have a nice trip!

In Winter from Germany via Felbertauern

  • via Felbertauern (from München), Lienz and Iselsberg, then to Winklern and direction Heiligenblut (the toll is about € 10,00)

In Winter from Germany via Tauern Motorway (from Salzburg)

  • via Tauern Motorway (from Salzburg) up to the hub Spittal/Millstättersee, Exit Lienz, Großglockner, in Möllbrücke to the right towards Heiligenblut

From Italy or Slovenia (from Villach)

  • via Tauern Motorway (from Villach) up to the hub Spittal/Millstättersee, Exit Lienz, Großglockner, in Möllbrücke to the right towards Heiligenblut

Please be aware that route planners and many nagivation systems do not regard the winter closing of Grossglockner High Alpine Road! Please be informed before your arrival to Heiligenblut!