Dear Guest,

Hereby we have to inform you, that we will renovate our hotels: Béke, Flóra. The renovation works will last for a longer period whilst the hotel is kept closed. We ask for your patience and kind understanding. Thank you for choosing us so far, stay our loyal customer during the time of renovation, which will allow us to welcome you in an embellished and fully renovated hotel.

Thermal Bath

The main attraction of Hunguest Hotel Flóra is the free and direct entrance accessibility to the outdoor swimming pool. Our guests can use the swimming pool, the thermal water pool and children's realm there, which is extended with a new grand water slide.

Thermal culture in Eger

Eger's biggest natural treasures are its radioactive thermal springs that burst from the depth of the earth. Eger's thermal springs are more than one thousand years old. Even the Turks recognized their huge healing power and after having occcupied the castle of Eger, in 1600, they built big baths, which became the destination for pilgrimages from the Far East within a short period of time. According to a notification from the 17th century, the Turks valued the thermal water in an extreme extent. In the ilidzsas and kaplidzsas, not only the body was healed, but also the soul was given extra energy. In the area of the thermal springs gushing in a large quantity during the successive centuries baths and bath buildings were built, which met the requirements of the style of the given century and thermal water was used to cure patients at the level of medicine of the given age. Beside the use of medicinal water, the water of spring groups served as well relaxation, entertainment and sport. Eger's bath culture has its roots in the 1920s culture, its creation and development is connected with the name Géza Bárány, senior engineer. In 1936, the Eger Thermal Bath -next to Turkish Bath -opened its gates for the public.
Eger Thermal Bath achieved its current form as the result of long efforts, continous developments and projects of several billion forints. It is one of the most beautiful thermal baths in the country and it is often visited by tourists from abroad. In the pools of the bath, there are two kinds of thermal water that have nearly the same effects and that pampers its visitors.

The big swimming pool

It was built in 1936 and it deepens gradually, so it is perfect for swimming and water play activities. Thermal water with randon content spouts from the stone layer under the pool, which is unique in Europe. Its water is 28°C. The oriental fountain is the beautiful work of an unknown artists, it is in middle of the ornamental pool and provides a beautiful view for the guests of the bath.
Continuing the walk, you arrive at the six-meter-deep rubbing pool that is unique in the whole country. In the pool, the water jets from a height of two meters provide an unforgetable experience for the Thermal Bath's guest.

Thermal pool with radon content

Continuing our walk, we arrive at the thermal pool for 30°C randon content, it is a pleasant way of relaxation for our adult guests.
Thermal pool with sulfur content
In season, we provide our guests regular aquafit classes. After the aquafit, our guests can relax their tired muscles with the springs in the pool with sulfur content. The 37ºC warm water provides a pleasant relaxation even in winter.

Leisure pool

Next to the thermal pool, we can find the outdoor covered leisure pool for adults. It was opened to the public in 2002 and it is convenient for 400 persons. In the pool, the bubble bath, the bubble bed, the lazy river, the waterfall and the underwatermassage provide an unforgetable experience. As the water is 32ºC, relaxation is more pleasurable.
Children's pool, children's world
Before we can finish our walk, we find the children's water playground, which is really popular among children. In the pool, water castle can be found, which is equipped by a variety of fun features, like adjustable waterfall, water jet or waterslide. As it is the best when familiy members are together, adult can use the bubble bath, while the little ones can play in the wading pool during a heat wave.

Swimming pool

When Thermal Bath was planned, the designers did not forget about the lovers of sport. Beside the other pools, they can use the 50 m2 infinity pool for their pleasure.


If you would like to relax and rest in a shade, you can do that under the shades of several immemorial sycamore trees. These tree methuselahs need special attention, in order to guard their function for future visitors after several decades later.