Early bird reservations special terms and conditions
1.In accordance with the present special contractual conditions Hunguest Zrt. shall offer first minute prices to its domestic and foreign natural person guests (hereinafter referred to as ”guests”) for its services under the scheme as described on its homepage ’www.hunguesthotels.com’, if the guest and Hunguest Zrt. conclude the respective contract for the service (hereinafter referred to as ”Contract”) at least 30 days before the starting date of the provision of the hotel service ordered (hereinafter referred to as ”Date of Arrival”) under the terms stipulated hereunder, inasmuch
- the order is placed through the reservation system of ”first minute price” on the homepage ’www.hunguesthotels.com’ of Hunguest Zrt., and
- the Guest pays the full price of all the hotel services reserved to the HUNGEST Hotels member participating in the First Minute Price System when the order is placed.
2.The guest shall place his/her order entitling to the discount exclusively through the online reservation system of ’first minute price’ operated on the homepage of Hunguest Zrt.
3.The eligibility to the first minute price is the payment of the full first minute price to the HUNGUEST Hotels member in respect of all the hotel services reserved when the order is placed. The counter-value shall be settled solely electronically, through a bankcard acceptable to the online reservation system. No other means of payment may be utilized for payment (therefore, the utilization of the Holiday Check, HUNGUEST Hotels Private Card or Gift Card or that of a health insurance fund card, etc. shall be excluded).
4.If, when the order is placed, the guest pays the total price of the services ordered, the HUNGUEST Hotels member shall electronically confirm the services concerned after the payment has been effected. The contract for the utilization of the hotel services shall be considered as concluded when the HUNGUEST Hotels member gives the above electronic confirmation.
5.The rate of the discount shall be established on the grounds of the base of the first minute price. The base of the first minute price shall be the room and package prices figuring on the homepage of Hunguest Zrt. The prices of optional extra services as well as any tax type expenses (e.g. tourism tax) and the prices of mediated services included in the packages but rendered by parties other than Hunguest Zrt. (e.g. spa tickets, concert tickets, etc.) shall not belong to the scheme. The online reservation system shall provide clear data regarding the discounted price to be paid.
6.Rate of the discount:
if the Contract is concluded at least 60 days or more before the Date of Arrival, the rate of the discount shall be 10%,
if the Contract is concluded at least 30 days before the Date of Arrival but following the 60th day before it, the rate of the discount shall be 5%.
7.No other rebates shall be made use of together with the first minute price (with special regard to and not limited to the health insurance fund rebate as well as the discounts offered for the holders of HUNGUEST Hotels VIP cards, etc.). However, as to HUNGUEST Hotels private cards, points may be collected subsequently, under the related conditions, even if the discount offered by the first minute price is made use of.
8.Based on his/her written request sent to the hotel concerned at least 7 days before the Date of Arrival, the Guest may amend the contract with Hunguest Zrt. in respect of the time of the utilization of the service ordered. In his/her written request the guest shall give three terms for the possible utilization of the service in the 3-month-period after the Date of Arrival, which are different from the one in the contract and appropriate for him/her for making use of the service. From among the terms given, Hunguest Zrt. has the right to select the amended period. Through the written confirmation of the modified term by Hunguest Zrt., the Contract shall be amended in respect of the time of the service. The Contract shall not be amended if Hunguest Zrt. fails to send a written confirmation. The Guest’s request to amend the contract shall not imply any obligation for Hunguest Zrt., which has the right to reject the request especially if said request cannot be fulfilled as there is no vacancy in the hotel. Unless the Parties agree in writing otherwise, the Contract shall be amended only once and solely in the case and mode regulated under this point. If the Guest makes use of the ordered service at an amended point of time under the conditions of this point and the base price of the service without the discount in that period is higher than the one for the original term, the Guest shall pay the difference between the two undiscounted prices in advance, when he/she arrives and registers at the hotel.
9.The Guest shall not cancel the contract concluded under the present contractual conditions. If, despite this, the Guest cancels the Contract for any reason and at any time or fails to make use of the ordered service for any reason without canceling the contract (no-show), he shall pay a penalty. The sum of the penalty shall be the same as the counter-value of all the ordered services paid by the Guest. In the cases regulated under this point the counter-value paid by the Guest shall be considered a penalty. Therefore, Hunguest Zrt. is not obliged to effect any repayment.
10.To issues not regulated by the present special contractual conditions the general contractual conditions of Hunguest Zrt. shall be governing as appropriate.